
  • Bumping Package Version with Ease

    · Tech

    Every time I need to do a hotfix for a JavaScript repository, I would perform these steps: Start the flow with git flow hotfix start <version> Bump the version number on package.json and package-lock.json Commit...

  • True Color for Vim in Tmux

    · Tech

    Everyone should be familiar with termguicolors, the option that allows terminal Vim to employ 24-bit color or true color. We use set termguicolors for vim to display RGB colors in our color scheme correctly. However,...

  • Fixing Focus Events in WeeChat

    · Tech

    I have been using WeeChat with iTerm2 for quite a while now. So far, it has been a fairly pleasant experience. On top of joining the freenode server, I also managed to setup wee-slack for...

  • Every Day a Dream

    · Personal

    Time is a curious thing. Every now and then, I find myself pondering about the passage of time. Indeed, how can one not think about something as ever-present and overwhelming as the concept of time?...

  • Slow Syntax Highlighting in Vim

    · Tech

    I was happily refactoring my messy vimrc, trying to emulate how the legendary junegunn does his. However, I realised that Vim was becoming less and less responsive the more I type. It appeared that the...