
  • Stoke the Furnace

    · Personal

    Friendship… What a peculiar thing. We were but strangers, cold and alone. Yet, a flame still kindled into being. Day unto day, Month unto month, Year unto year. The blaze of yesterday is but embers...

  • The Blind Musician

    · Personal

    Last month, I officially entered the workforce. Soon after casting my resume out, I received a prompt reply from a company called Pickupp. I guess it must be fate that they picked up my application....

  • Using ESLint in Vim for React

    · Tech

    Recently, I started learning React. The initial setup for my first React application was done using Create React App, a tool that spares developers, especially beginners, from the pain of configuring the environment. All reasonable...

  • Jekyll Assets and Working Directory

    · Tech

    Today, I was in the mood of making a new blog post. I started running the server with jekyll serve as usual. That was when Jekyll spat a huge chunk of error message at me....

  • Responsive YouTube Video with Jekyll

    · Tech

    At some point, we need to embed a YouTube video onto our blog post. Using Jekyll as our static site generator, the most straightforward way to do that is to grab the embed code from...