Time really flies. Before I knew it, I have graduated from Sunway University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science. “Five years spent in this one place all but amounted to a single piece of paper I’m now holding,” I thought to myself. The official transcript in my hand, I began recollecting the first day I set foot into university, back in the year 2013.

I entered university with a sense of dread. For some reason, I was convinced that I would never fit into the university life. To most people, university offered new freedom, be it the activities they partake in, or the people they engage with. Yet, my stomach churned at the uncertainty that ensued with the newfound freedom. To me, being given limitless choices is as good as being given no choice at all. I had no idea what to do, or who to talk to. Even the idea of picking which shirt to wear to university seemed daunting when for all your life, you have been wearing nothing but a uniform to school.

It took me a while. I slowly embraced this new chapter in life. It was here that I felt so at home at a handful of clubs. I eventually became the president of all the clubs I have joined. It was here that I met and befriended countless interesting people. I even found someone special. University life turned out so drastically-different from how I first imagined it would be. In fact, it was a rich and eventful experience, literally and figuratively. My fear of the unknown was inane, a needless worry.

I slotted the transcript back into the white envelope. Just as I was becoming comfortable with university, I found myself flung back into an all-too familiar position. Once again, I am faced with a new stage in life, one riddled with more choices and uncertainty. If university was a lake, adulthood is an ocean. The depth felt real now. Any choice I make or avoid now can mean the difference between floating or sinking. Even a seasoned swimmer ought to be wary of the unforgiving ocean, lest he or she wishes to drown.

Entering the abyss is undoubtedly terrifying. I just need a little optimism I learned from university as I dive deeper and deeper into the inky void. Of course, I also want something I could cling onto. Thus, I decided to build this website from scratch. My website would host my blog where I could scribble my thoughts and feelings from time to time. I could showcase the various projects I find myself working on. Also, this is where I would place my resume. In essence, I am taking my first step in the unknown. I know, five years from now, my life would be unimaginably different, as it was five years ago. All I can do is keep waddling in the boundless abyss.